CVC-01 Semantic Segmentation Dataset ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ G. Ros, S. Ramos, M. Granados, A. Bakhtiary, D. Vazquez and A.M. Lopez Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (C) Computer Vision Center 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ References to this semantic segmentation dataset should be made to the following article: @inproceedings{ros:2015, author = {G. Ros and S. Ramos and M. Granados and A. Bakhtiary and D. Vazquez and {A.M.} Lopez}, title = {Vision-based Offline-Online Perception Paradigm for Autonomous Driving}, booktitle = {WACV}, year = {2015} } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contents: Dataset: The color images contained in this dataset are part of the KITTI odometry dataset [Geiger]. In addition to the 70 labelled images of this dataset released with the publication of [Valentin], we have manually labelled a set of 146 images more, which we release here. We used the 70 labelled images of [Valentin] as part of our training set, as well as 100 more from our own labelled images. 46 of our labelled images were used for testing. Please, note that we provide here not only our labelled images but, for the convenience of the interested researchers, we provide also the associated images of the KITTI odometry dataset. Thus, you have to respect their condition of use too. * [Geiger] A. Geiger, P. Lenz, and R. Urtasun, “Are we ready for autonomous driving? the KITTI vision benchmark suite”, CVPR, 2012. See also: * [Valentin] J. Valentin, S. Sengupta, J. Warrell, A. Shahrokni, and P. Torr, “Mesh based semantic modelling for indoor and outdoor scenes”, CVPR, 2013. See also: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer: The data is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. The database is made freely available to the scientific community under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License, i.e., you are free to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt the work, and you must attribute the work in the manner specified by the authors and not use this work for commercial purposes. For more information: