CVC-05 Partially Occluded Pedestrian Dataset ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ J. Marín, D. Vázquez, A.M. López, J. Amores and L.I. Kuncheva Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (C) Computer Vision Center 2013 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ References to this pedestrian database should be made to the following article: J. Marín, D. Vázquez, A.M. López, J. Amores and L.I. Kuncheva, "Occlusion handling via random subspace classifiers for human detection", In IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (Part B), 2013. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contents: Dataset: This is a partially occluded pedestrian dataset. The dataset consists of 593 positive frames with annotated pedestrians (with their corresponding horizontal mirrors). Annotations format: There is one file for each positive frame. Into each file there is one line by object. Each line has the following format: Xc Yc W H OptFlag Where (Xc, Yc) is the central position of the object bounding box, (W, H) is the object width and height and OptFlag is flag that it is 1 when it is mandatory to detect it and 0 when it is optional. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer: The data is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. The database is made freely available to the scientific community under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License, i.e., you are free to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt the work, and you must attribute the work in the manner specified by the authors and not use this work for commercial purposes. For more information: