CVC-07 Virtual-World Pedestrian Dataset ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ J. Xu, D. Vazquez, A. M. Lopez, J. Marin, D. Ponsa Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (C) Computer Vision Center 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ References to this pedestrian database should be made to the following article: @article{xu:2014, title={Learning a Part-based Pedestrian Detector in Virtual World}, author={J. Xu, D. Vazquez, A. M. Lopez, J. Marin, D. Ponsa}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems}, year={2014}} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contents: Dataset: - This dataset contains 2534 pedestrian images and 2000 background images. The pedestrian images have frontal view and left view, which are annotated as 'M' and 'L'. You may flip the pedestrians to get right view examples. - An illustration of the dataset can be found [here]( - For previous version of virtual-world dataset and other datasets of ADAS group, please visit [our websiet]( - Please consider citing our paper if you use virtual-world dataset in your research: Annotations: - The annotations are saved in: annotation.mat - The struct is as follows: - filename - boxes - view - parts - pLocations - The root bounding box is saved in `bboxes`. The format is [x1 y1 x2 y2]. - Part bounding boxes are in `parts`. - `pLocations` record the part center points. - Clustered view information: - Left view: `L` - Frontal/rear view: `M` ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer: The data is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. The database is made freely available to the scientific community under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License, i.e., you are free to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt the work, and you must attribute the work in the manner specified by the authors and not use this work for commercial purposes. For more information: