Milestones for V2X communications reached and presented at ETSI ITS workshop
MAVEN has developed V2X communication schemes and message sets for infrastructure-assisted automated driving. For the cooperative infrastructure, an I2V Lane Change Advisory service and a dedicated profiling of the SPaT (Signal Phase and Time) and MAP (topology) for lane-specific GLOSA were developed. For the cooperative automated vehicles, extensions of standard CAM (Cooperative Awareness Message) messages have been designed to allow interaction with cooperative intersections and to support management and control of platoons. Finally, the currently under standardization Collective Perception service has been adapted to the needs of MAVEN to support the applications of cooperative and automated vehicles aimed at increasing the safety of VRUs (Vulnerable Road Users) and vehicle drivers. The developed schemes are backward compatible as required by the car industry and to foster their future deployment. They are provided in terms of ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One) definitions and detailed message data specifications that can be openly accessed. The aforementioned communication schemes have been tested in small test benches aimed at evaluating the technical functionality of the developed solutions from a communication point of view, and hence their suitability for integration in infrastructure and vehicle prototypes. MAVEN has actively contributed to the European ETSI standardisation in this area, especially for the collective perception definitions. All the aforementioned communications schemes were presented at the 2018 ETSI ITS Workshop: