Related Publicacions

Summary Of The Publications Obtained Applying The Results Of The Project In A Different Topic:

Nº Journals Nº Conf. Nº Books Nº Book chap. Org. workshops
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 All
10 4 0 4 18 9 0 2 0

Top 5 Publications

An Ensemble Approach of Dual Base Learners for Multi-Class Classification Problems, M.P. Sesmero, J.M. Alonso-Weber, G. Gutiérrez, A. Ledezma,  A. Sanchis, Information Fusion, In Press. IF: 3.472, 12/121 (Q1) in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, 5/102 (Q1) Computer Science, Theory & Methods.

In-Home Activity Recognition: Bayesian Inference for Hidden Markov Models. F. J. Ordonez, G. Englebienne, P. de Toledo, T.L.M. van Kasteren, A. Sanchis, B. Krose, IEEE Pervasive Computing, Volume13, Issue 3, pp. 67-75, 2014. IF: 2.103, 18/135 (Q1) Computer Science, Information Systems, 57/247 (Q1) Engineering, Electrical & Electronic, 12/78 (Q1) Telecommunications.

Automatic classification of granite tiles through colour and texture features, Francesco Bianconi, Elena Gonzalez, Antonio Fernández, Stefano A. Saetta, Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 39, pp. 11212–11218, 2012. IF: 2.203, 22/111 (Q1) in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, 41/245 (Q1) in Engineering, Electrical & Electronic, 5/77 (Q1) in Operations Research & Management Science.

Multiple Instance Classification: Review, Taxonomy and Comparative Study, Jaume Amores, Artificial Intelligence, vol 201, pp: 81-105, 2013, IF: 2.194, 21/115 (Q1) in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence.
Activity Recognition Using Hybrid Generative/Discriminative Models on Home Environments Using Binary Sensors. F.J. Ordóñez, P. de Toledo, A. Sanchis. Sensors 2013, 13, pp. 5460-5477. IF: 2.048, 36/76 (Q2) Chemistry, Analytical, 15/27 (Q3) Electrochemistry, 10/57 (Q1) Instruments & Instrumentation


Artificial Intelligence Approaches for the Generation and Assessment of Believable Human-Like Behaviour in Virtual Characters, J.M. Llargues, J. Peralta, R. Arrabales, M. González, P. Cortez, Antonio M. López, Expert Systems With Applications, vol. 41, pp:7281-7290, 2014. IF: 1.965, 30/121 (Q1) in Computer Science, Software Engineering, 11/79 (Q1) in Operations Research & Management Science, 63/247 (Q2) in Engineering, Electrical & Electronic.

Combining Additive Input Noise Annealing and Pattern Transformations for Improved Handwritten Character Recognition,  J.M. Alonso-Weber, M. Sesmero, A. Sanchis., Expert Systems With Applications, vol 41 (2014), pp. 8180-8188. IF: 1.965, 30/121 (Q1) in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, 11/79 (Q1) Operations Research & Management Science, 63/247 (Q2) in Engineering, Electrical & Electronic.

In-Home Activity Recognition: Bayesian Inference for Hidden Markov Models. F. J. Ordonez, G. Englebienne, P. de Toledo, T.L.M. van Kasteren, A. Sanchis, B. Krose, IEEE Pervasive Computing, Volume13, Issue 3, pp. 67-75, 2014. IF: 2.103, 18/135 (Q1) Computer Science, Information Systems, 57/247 (Q1) Engineering, Electrical & Electronic, 12/78 (Q1) Telecommunications.

Evolving classification of UNIX users behaviors. J. A. Iglesias, A. Ledezma, and A. Sanchis, Evolving Systems, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 1-8, 2014.

Sensor-Based Bayesian Detection of Anomalous Living Patterns in a Home Setting. F. J. Ordonez, P. de Toledo, A. Sanchis. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, In press. IF: 1.616, 39/135 (Q2) Computer Science, Information Systems, 23/78 (Q2) Telecommunications.

An Ensemble Approach of Dual Base Learners for Multi-Class Classification Problems, M.P. Sesmero, J.M. Alonso-Weber, G. Gutiérrez, A. Ledezma,  A. Sanchis, Information Fusion, In Press. IF: 3.472, 12/121 (Q1) in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, 5/102 (Q1) Computer Science, Theory & Methods.

Utilización de las Tecnologías del Habla y de los Mundos Virtuales para el Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Educativas. D. Griol, A. Sanchis, J.M. Molina, Z. Callejas. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 53, pp. 167-170, 2014, Printed ISSN: 1135-5948.

Desarrollo de portales de voz municipales interactivos y adaptados al usuario, D. Griol, M. García-Jiménez, J. M. Molina, A. Sanchis. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 53, pp. 185-188, 2014, Printed ISSN: 1135-5948.

Activity Recognition Using Hybrid Generative/Discriminative Models on Home Environments Using Binary Sensors. F.J. Ordóñez, P. de Toledo, A. Sanchis. Sensors 2013, 13, pp. 5460-5477. IF: 2.048, 36/76 (Q2) Chemistry, Analytical, 15/27 (Q3) Electrochemistry, 10/57 (Q1) Instruments & Instrumentation

Online activity recognition using evolving classifiers. F.J. Ordoñez, J.A. Iglesias, A. Ledezma, P. de Toledo, A. Sanchis. Expert Systems with Applications vol. 40 issue 4, pp. 1248-1255, 2013. (JCR 2013 ) IF: 1.965, 30/121 (Q1) Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, 63/247 (Q2) Engineering, Electrical & Electronic, 11/79 (Q1) Operations Research & Management Science

Automatic classification of granite tiles through colour and texture features, Francesco Bianconi, Elena Gonzalez, Antonio Fernández, Stefano A. Saetta, Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 39, pp. 11212–11218, 2012. IF: 2.203, 22/111 (Q1) in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, 41/245 (Q1) in Engineering, Electrical & Electronic, 5/77 (Q1) in Operations Research & Management Science.

An Appendix to “Texture Databases – A Comprehensive Survey”, F. Bianconi, Antonio Fernández, Pattern Recognition Letters, In Press, IF: 1.266, 56/115 (Q2) in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence.

General Framework for Rotation Invariant Texture Classification through Co-occurrence of Patterns, E. González, A. Fernández, F. Bianconi, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, In Press, IF: 1.767, 33/115 (Q2) in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, 14/105 (Q1) in Computer Science, Software Engineering, 20/247 (Q1) in Mathematics, Applied.

Multiple Instance Classification: Review, Taxonomy and Comparative Study, Jaume Amores, Artificial Intelligence, vol 201, pp: 81-105, 2013, IF: 2.194, 21/115 (Q1) in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence.

MILDE: Multiple Instance Learning by Discriminative Embedding, Jaume Amores, Knowledge and Information Systems, November, pp: 1-27, 2013.

Performance Analysis of Colour Descriptors for Parquet Sorting, F. Bianconi, A. Fernández, E. González, S.A. Saetta, Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 40 – 5, pp: 1636 – 1644, 2013,  IF: 1.854, 31/115 (Q2) in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, 56/243 (Q1) in Engineering, Electrical & Electronic, 13/79 (Q1) in Operations Research & Management Science.

Texture Description through Histograms of Equivalent Patterns, A. Fernández, Marcos X. Álvarez, F. Bianconi, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, vol. 45 pp: 76 – 102, 2013, IF: 1.767, 33/115 (Q2) in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, 14/105 (Q1) in Computer Science, Software Engineering, 20/247 (Q1) in Mathematics, Applied.

Cost Estimation of Custom Hoses from STL files and CAD drawings, Joan Serrat, Felipe Lumbreras, Antonio M. López, Computers in Industry, vol. 64, pp 299–309, 2013. IF: 1.529, 40/99 (Q2) Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications.

Traffic Sign Recognition for Computer Vision Project-Based Learning, David Gerónimo, Joan Serrat, Antonio M. López, Ramon Baldrich, IEEE Transactions on Education, (In Press), IF: 1.021, 16/33 (Q2) in Education, Scientific Disciplines, 122/245 (Q2) in Engineering, Electrical & Electronic.

Book Chapters

A Unifying Framework for LBP and Related Methods, F. Bianconi, A. Fernández, Local Binary Patterns: New Variants and New Applications, pp: 17 – 46, 2014, Springer-Verlag.

Input Transformation and Output Combination for Improved Handwritten Digit Recognition, J.M. Alonso-Weber, M. Sesmero, G. Gutierrez, A. Ledezma, A. Sanchis.Artificial Neural Networks, Methods and Applications in Bio-/Neuroinformatics, Springer Series in Bio-/Neuroinformatics, Volume 4, pp. 554-560,2015. ISBN: 978-3-319-09903-3


CCE: An Approach to Improve the Accuracy in Ensembles by Using Diverse Base Learners. M.P. Sesmero, J.M. Alonso-Weber, G. Gutiérrez,A. Sanchis.  Proceedings 9th International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, HAIS 2014. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-07617-1_55

Time series forecasting using Artificial Neural Networks vs. evolving models.  J. A. Iglesias, G. Gutierrez, A. Ledezma, and A. Sanchis.IEEE Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems (EAIS), Linz, Austria, 2014

News Mining Using Evolving Fuzzy Systems. J. A. Iglesias, A. Tiemblo, A. Ledezma, and A. Sanchis..Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL), Salamanca, Spain 2014.

A dialog management methodology based on evolving Fuzzy-rule-based (FRB) classifiers. D. Griol, J.A. Iglesias, A. Ledezma, A. Sanchis. IEEE Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems (EAIS), Linz, Austria, 2014.

A Practical Application of Evolving Fuzzy-Rule-Based Classifiers for the Development of Spoken Dialog Systems. D. Griol, J.A. Iglesias, A. Ledezma and A. Sanchis. Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations, Rhodes, Greece, 2014.

Reconocimiento de Actividades: Anticipando las Necesidades del Ususario. VII Simposio Las Sociedades ante el Reto Digital, Barranquilla, Colombia, 2014.

Giving Voice to the Internet by Means of Conversational Agents. D. Griol, A. Sanchis, J.M. Molina. Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning, IDEAL, Salamanca, Spain, 2014

Handwritten Digit Recognition with Pattern Transformations and Neural Network Averaging J.M. Alonso-Weber, M.P. Sesmero, G. Gutiérrez, A. Ledezma, A. Sanchis. (2013).  Artficial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2013. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Sofia, Bulgary, 2013.

Analyzing the structure of ensembles based-on evolving classifiers. J. A. Iglesias, A. Ledezma, A. Sanchis. In Proceedings of FINO/CAEPIA13, 2013.  (Oral).

Evolving Systems for Computer User Behavior Classification. J. A. Iglesias, A. Ledezma, and A. Sanchis. IEEE Symposium on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems (EAIS), Singapore, 2013.

Ensemble Method Based on Individual Evolving Classifiers. J. A. Iglesias, A. Ledezma, and A. Sanchis. 2013 IEEE Symposium in Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems (EAIS), Singapore, 2013.

Evolving activity recognition from sensor streams. J.A. Iglesias, F. J. Ordoñez, A. Ledezma, P. de Toledo, A. Sanchis. IEEE Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems (EAIS), 2012 Madrid, Spain