Gabriel Villalonga

Gabriel Villalonga

Computer Vision - Ph.D. Student

+34 93 581 18 28
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Gabriel Villalonga

Gabriel Villalonga, received the B.Sc. degree in Computer Science fromUAB in 2014 where he performed his final project on 3D pedestrian detection for autonomous vehicles, supervised by A.M. Lopez and D. Vázquez from the Computer Vision Center (CVC).  He received his M.Sc. on Computer Vision  at the UAB, UPC, UPF and UOC in 2015 doing his M.Sc. Thesis on the study of the pedestrian behabiour analysis, supervised by A.M. Lopez and D. Vázquez. Currently, he is working towards the Ph.D. on Informatics for his Thesis End to End Perception for Autonomous Driving, supervised byA.M. Lopez and and D. Vázquez. He is an active member of the ADAS and an assistant professor at theComputer Science Department at the UAB.