SeNDA-UAB: Communications

About us

The Security of Networks and Distributed Applications is a teaching and research group within the Department of Information and Communications Engineering of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Its aim is to research in the areas of applied network security and secure distributed applications.

The Department of Information and Communications Engineering (dEIC) is a teaching and research department within the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. It was established in 1986 as a teaching and research unit, and currently undertakes teaching in the Engineering School.

The teaching given by the Department consists of courses for undergraduates on Discrete Mathematics, Information Theory, Security and Computer Networks. Moreover, the Department participates in three official Masters, and has a PhD Program in Computer Engineering (awarded as a Quality doctorate pro- gram by the Spanish quality agency).

In this project the group is responsible for the development of the Autonomous Vehicle Communications. Some of the addressed challenges include:

  • Intra-vehicle communications
  • Vehicle to vehicle communications (V2V)
  • Vehicle to infrastructure communications (V2I)
  • Communications security

Participation in the project

Vehicle to vehicle communication 75%

Vehicle to infraestructure communication 75%

Project coordination 25%

Dissemination 25%


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