MAVEN Kick-off meeting in Brussels
The MAVEN project held its kick-off meeting on 20-21 September 2016 in Brussels.
MAVEN (Managing Automated Vehicles Enhances Network) was launched on 01-09-2016. This 3-year project, under the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Framework Programme of the Euro-pean Commission (Grant Agreement No. 690727), has nine partners with a total budget of EUR 3,149,661.25.
The project aims to provide solutions for managing automated vehicles in an urban environment (with signalized intersections and mixed traffic). It will develop algorithms for organising the flow of infrastructure-assisted automated vehicles, and structuring the negotiation processes between ve-hicles and the infrastructure. Platooning is an evident example of a technology in this domain. The MAVEN approach will substantially contribute to increasing traffic efficiency, improving utilisation of infrastructure capacity, and reducing emission. The MAVEN project will build a prototype sys-tem that will be used both for field tests and for extensive modelling for impact assessment. Fur-thermore, the project will contribute to the development of enabling technologies, such as telecom-munication standards and high-precision maps.
The project will include a user assessment effort. A roadmap for the introduction of road transport automation will be developed, to support road authorities in understanding potential future changes in their role and in the tasks of traffic management. A white paper on “management of automated vehicles in a smart city environment” will position the MAVEN results in the broader perspective of transport in smart cities, and embed these with the principles and technologies for smart cities, as well as service delivery. The project held its kick-off meeting on 20-21 September 2016 at Polis in Brussels and hosts a stakeholder consultation workshop at the 15th of November in Barcelona. More information about the workshop and the registration form can be found here.