Author Archives: Meng Lu

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Automated driving video at ITS Europe congress

Earlier we already posted a vlog at this website showing the open road demo and the infrastructure presentation at the ITS Europe demo. The vehicle used in this video is manually driven, but thanks to the HMI we could show the whole scenario intuitively.

In this post we want to share the footage from the perspective of the automated Hyundai vehicle. This was shot the day before the congress in open traffic and on the days with the closed road at the congress itself.


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Video: green wave for automated vehicles

At the stand on the ITS Europe congress, the green wave system of MAVEN was also demonstrated with a video. Thanks to the integration with speed and lane advice, platoons can be formed efficiently upstream of the first intersection. This is a major advantage compared to traditional green wave systems, where typically over 90% of the traffic has to stop at the first intersection. In networks with less than 5 consecutive intersections, a greenwave is therefore often not effective. With the MAVEN system even 2 consecutive intersections can already be deployed effectively with a green wave.

The video shows three situations, a baseline with scattered arrivals at the first intersection. A system with speed advice for platoon shaping and resolving the coordination challenges between the first two intersections and lastly the integration with lane advice. As already reported in D7.2, the total throughput could be increased by 34% with a CO2 reduction of over 10%.

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Final results for policy makers

During the course of the MAVEN project, stakeholder involvement was always among our top priorities. With several workshops we discussed with road authorities and other external stakeholders what was most important to them in the context of automated driving. With this input and the knowledge resulting from the technical work, a transition roadmap was made. This document presents the MAVEN project’s expert views and recommendations for the transition of traffic management at signalised intersections along urban corridors from the present conventional transport world into a connected, cooperative and automated world.

The consortium also looked further into the future with a white paper, exploring the intersection between ‘Smart Cities’ and ‘Smart Mobility’. While it looks at the wider technological innovations, it is written with a particular focus on the management of connected automated vehicles within the Smart Cities. One of the key factors that play here is the link with Mobility as a Service (MaaS).

Lastly, the project consortium also published a case study on unmanned logistics. This brings together the topics of the transition roadmap and the white paper, and applies them to the MAVEN use cases of the technical work packages. The simulations demonstrate clear benefits with the MAVEN use cases for a realistic future scenario with unmanned shuttles and pods entering the road network.

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Demo video released

As already announced we were working on editing the video material we collected when filming the demo setup we used at the ITS Europe congress last June. In the video below you will see the demo ride of the Dynniq vehicle, which was available on the days with an open road. Since this is a cooperative, but not an automated vehicle, the interactions with the vehicle software are done manually just as the driver is following up the instructions from the infrastructure. This video also gives you a unique insight in the infrastructure systems with a live presentation in the control room when the vehicle is passing by the intersection!

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Impact of MAVEN exceeds expectations!

After several months of hard work dedicated to impact assessment, the MAVEN project is proudly presenting its final results. With a total CO2 emission reduction of up to 12% and a 34% higher throughput, the expectations were exceeded by far! These numbers are a direct result of putting all systems from the technical work packages related to vehicle, the infrastructure and the enabling technologies to the test with extensive simulations to dermine their effects with large-scale deployment.

The deliverable also reports on the assessment of the field trials with measurements acquired during the tests and surveys done with demo visitors and other participants. A wider online survey has also given good insights that can be found in the report. Last but not least, a thorough literature review places the results in the context of the current state-of-the-art and provides a good comparison how MAVEN performs.

The report can be found MAVEN D7.2 – IMPACT ASSESSMENT V1.0.

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Final event photo impression

On the 6th of June the final event of MAVEN took place at the ITS Europe congress in Helmond/Eindhoven, The Netherlands. During the congress we’ve had 3 hours of total demonstration time on the closed road. Visitors had the opportunity to take a ride in the fully automated Hyundai vehicle and experience the MAVEN use cases first hand. Here we see the view on the interactive dashboard from the demo passengers position:

One of the use cases demonstrated was the lane advice, which can be seen here with the vehicle passing the intersection on the left lane as instructed by the infrastructure:

To give a complete experience to the visitors, we also added an interactive view to the infrastructure systems:

This infrastructure view was being presented by our coordinator, Robbin Blokpoel, and many people passed by to listen to the continuous presentation and had the chance to directly ask questions about the events happening during the demo:

Apart from the demo, there was a full program with presentations of the main MAVEN results from 10:00 – 15:00. The presentation slides of this event can be found under documents – meetings.

MAVEN was also present at the ITS congress in Eindhoven with a dedicated space at the exhibition for all your questions about the project and its results.

Lastly, there was also a booth and a demo at the automotive campus area of the congress on the days that the road wasn’t closed. We are still editing a video about this demonstration, so be sure to keep an eye on updates at this website!

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Braunschweig integration video

The final field tests in Braunschweig were succesfully completed. Platooning between Hyundai and DLR was demonstrated in open roads together with the interaction with the infrastructure running AGLOSA control algorithms. The video below gives a good overview of the achievements and conclude the integration phase of MAVEN!

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MAVEN final event

As the MAVEN project enters its final straight, it will hold its final event in Helmond on 6 June, taking advantage of the ITS congress, to share its main findings and conclusions. Join the MAVEN final event to learn about the main project findings and to take part in a demonstration ride of some MAVEN functions, the draft agenda can be found here and online registration here.

If you cannot attend the final event you can still find us at the Dynniq booth in the main exhibition hall. You can also experience the live systems in the demo area of the congress at the Automotive campus. There you can visit the infrastructure control room monitoring the MAVEN vehicle visualising the interaction algorithm with the traffic light controller. Experiencing the systems from the vehicle is also possible on Sunday and Thursday in the automated vehicle when the road is closed. On Monday and Tuesday the road is open and you can join a demo ride that shows all vehicle interactions with a live presenter.

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Succesful final integration tests in Helmond

In the week from the 18th to 22nd of February 2019, an important MAVEN test event took place in Helmond. The Hyundai Motor Europe Technical Center team responsible for the MAVEN project tested, for the first time on real roads with the support of Dynniq, the MAVEN infrastructure-assisted automated driving through urban intersections. In these tests, the Hyundai automated vehicle prototype successfully performed a V2X interaction with the Dynniq traffic light controller which allowed automated adaptation to lane-change and speed advice received from the infrastructure to cross the test intersection in real-life traffic conditions. In addition, the automated vehicle automatically informed back the traffic light controller on the planned route at the target intersection and about the actual status of compliance to the received advice, which enables further optimization of the traffic light controller’s phase and timing calculations.  These successful tests are the result of the good collaboration between the involved MAVEN partners and repay the efforts spent to obtain an exemption to drive automated on restricted sections of public roads from the appointed Dutch authorities. The next pictures taken during the tests show the Hyundai car while driving automated (inside and outside views) as well as the testing team from Hyundai and Dynniq.

Some videos of the performed tests will be shown at the exhibition of the upcoming EUCAD 2019 conference ( as well as in the next MAVEN dissemination events.

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Workshop report released and upcoming events

The workshop report of the London event last year has been finalized and can be found here.

Additionally, the MAVEN project will be present at three upcoming events. The EU CAD conference on 2nd and 3rd of April, the ITS European congress from 2-6th of June with our final demonstrations and the IEEE IV congres with a final workshop for the academic world.

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Consultation on EC draft delegated act on C-ITS is open

Draft European legislation relating to the implementation of cooperative ITS has been published. The proposed delegated regulation does not mandate the deployment of C-ITS, rather it sets out the technical and legal specifications that must be adopted should C-ITS stations and services be implemented.

The main purpose of this regulation is to avoid a fragmentation of the internal market for C-ITS by establishing a set of minimum requirements enabling a coordinated and coherent deployment. The specifications contained within the draft delegated regulation apply to the full road network and its interfaces with other transport networks relevant to road safety and traffic efficiency, eg, rail crossings and port areas.

In essence, the act requires any C-ITS deployment:

  • To ensure interoperability between C-ITS stations in terms of services and communication technology through the adoption of standards and the development of common interfaces
  • Meets EU security requirements in terms of product conformity assessment and integrity of messages – in this respect an EU trust model is being built which will be managed by the European Commission
  • Adopts at least one of the priority day one C-ITS services listed in an annex.
  • Meets GDPR rules in relation to personal data and forbids the use of C-ITS data for law enforcement purposes.

Existing C-ITS services and stations must gradually fall in line with these rules.

A consultation is open until 8 February.

To download the draft act and to give feedback, click here.

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Start of 2019 & Final infrastructure deliverable published

First of all, the MAVEN team would like to wish you a fruitful and happy 2019! This will be the final year for the project as its end is in August 2019. During the last stage of the project the focus will be on activities like impact assessment, final event (at the European ITS Congress in June) and a final version of the transition roadmap.

In the last weeks of 2018, the last deliverable of WP4 was finalized. It is uploaded to the site and can be found here. It has a final overview of all infrastructure based innovations of the project like the new control algorithms for speed advice such as AGLOSA for actuated controllers and the improved predictability of adaptive control. There are also new concepts for queue modelling, routing, green wave and prioritization policy guidelines taking automated vehicles into account as a new stakeholder in the ecosystem.

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4th Newsletter released

The 4th newsletter of MAVEN has been uploaded to the website and can be found here.

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3rd MAVEN stakeholder Consultation Workshop with expert meeting

Last week at the 23rd and 24th of October the MAVEN consortium organized an expert meeting and stakeholder consultation workshop in cooperation with the TransAID, CoEXist and INFRAMIX projects. A report with the main findings is currently under development, but in the meantime the presentations of the expert group can already be found on our website under “documents” – “meetings”.
The presentations of the stakeholder workshop on the 24th are published on the POLIS website and can be accessed directly here.

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Third newsletter and updated deliverables

The 3rd newsletter of MAVEN has been uploaded to the website and can be found here. Additionally, the project has received feedback from experts involved in the H2020 review process which resulted in valuable suggestions to clarify the documentation of the project deliverables. Updated versions have been uploaded under documents – deliverables. Of course your feedback is also welcome and you can use the details under contact to send us your feedback or get in touch through linkedin or twitter.

We also want to highlight D8.4: Transition Roadmap. This document should help road authorities prepare for the transition to automated driving. It is the first version and a more extensive document will be published in the summer of 2019. The MAVEN workshop on the 24th will focus on this, but if you were not able to attend, do not hesitate to contact us with feedback!

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DLR tests Car2X communication in real traffic

– DLR is testing automated driving in the MAVEN project.
– Cooperative automated vehicles cross signalised intersections in Braunschweig.

The Institute for Transportation Systems of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) will be testing the crossing of a traffic light intersection with cooperative automated vehicles in Braunschweig in the beginning of October 2018 in the MAVEN (Managing Automated Vehicles Enhances Network) project. For this purpose, the antennas and measuring equipment already installed in connection with the application platform Intelligent Mobility (AIM) at the traffic lights at Tostmannplatz in Braunschweig will be used.

Communication between car and traffic light

One of the most important aspects of cooperative automated driving is the communication between equipped vehicles and the infrastructure (Car2X communication), such as traffic lights. “In the future, the road infrastructure must know at where road users move on intersections. Then it can optimally coordinate these movements – like a conductor in the orchestra,” explains Julian Schindler from the DLR Institute of Transportation Systems. The infrastructure installed at Tostmannplatz uses a camera to detect pedestrians and cyclists and transmits this information to automated vehicles for more precise and early detection. The security increases. In addition, the traffic lights provide speed and lane change recommendations to the vehicles.

New technique for testing with platoons

Within the EU project MAVEN, this technique has already been prototypically implemented on a test site, as can be seen in the video below (note that there is no sound):

The AGLOSA traffic control system shown in the video uses a new concept of integrating the traffic simulator SUMO into the controller and is further described in Deliverable 4.1 Cooperative adaptive traffic light with automated vehicles.

From the beginning of October, these will now be tested in real traffic. In addition to the existing technology of the Application Platform Intelligent Mobility (AIM), the traffic lights at Tostmannplatz will be equipped with additional measuring technology. A camera mounted on the light pole records anonymised data. Mobile cameras owned by the Institute support the results of the new camera scientifically in the beginning. The camera data is used to help the vehicles to “see around the corner”. Furthermore, automated vehicles are creating so called platoons which allow a close following. By doing so, automated vehicles can travel across the intersection with less distance to each other, so that more vehicles pass the traffic light during the green phase and the traffic lights are thus more effective. As a further development to the more well-known truck convoys that are currently being tested on freeways worldwide, the urban platoons from MAVEN focus on rapid adaptability to the environment, especially taking into account all non-automated road users. Platoons will constantly form and dissolve without restricting the behavior of other road users.

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MAVEN at ITS World congress and Big Data Expo

The week of 17-21st of September was a busy week for the MAVEN consortium when it came to dissemination. First of all the project was present at the year ITS World congress with several papers. Xiaoyun Zhang presented papers about cooperative queue data for adaptive traffic control and a joint paper with the XCycle project about green waves with speed advice. At the exhibition area people could of course come to the stands of the consortium partners for more information on MAVEN. Apart from presentations and exhibitions, the congress is of course also about informally meeting stakeholders who are active in the field. With this we noticed a high interest in our work on extended message sets as reported in D5.1, which is a signal that the impact of the MAVEN work is increasing.

 At the same time the Big Data Expo took place in Utrecht, the Netherlands. This event is organized for the rapidly growing field of data science and was attended by a large and varied group of the general public. The presentation given by Robbin Blokpoel focused on the AI and data aspects of traffic management and automated vehicles in specific. It was attended by over 150 people and received a lot of positive feedback. In conclusion it was a great experience to introduce the potential of automated driving and the innovative potential of MAVEN to a wider public.

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Successful field tests in Helmond

The MAVEN team has successfully tested the integration of the traffic control algorithms with the vehicle message extensions at the Helmond site. The tests were already performed in simulation, as was demonstrated here. However, a real world environment can always introduce unexpected challenges. Therefore, a cooperative vehicle was upgraded to support the MAVEN standards and seven test runs were executed to observe the behaviour in the real-world. Even though no extra priority was granted to the vehicle, positive effects could be observed at the controller in three test runs that could be attributed to the extra information provided by the MAVEN vehicle.

The team on site also made a VLOG video to share their experience:

In summary this was a very successful event and the project is looking forward to the next test event in February when the automated vehicle from Hyundai will test all field use cases of Helmond!

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Save the date: MAVEN workshop – 24/10/18 in Greenwich, London

The next MAVEN stakeholder workshop targeting local authorities will take place in Greenwich (London) on 24 October 2018.

The workshop’s aims are to:

  • explore in more detail how increasingly instrumented vehicles are likely to behave on urban roads and how this may affect the traffic management task and wider transport goals
  • provide insight to the role that communication technology can play in the shorter-term of connected transport and the longer-term of automated transport
  • promote reflection among local authorities on their traffic management role and responsibility as CCAV evolves
  • get your input on the traffic management policies the MAVEN project will evaluate in its final phase

Local authorities are the main target group of this workshop; however, it is also open to other urban transport stakeholders with an interest in CCAV. A small budget to help cover the travel expense of local authority representatives is available.

The draft agenda will be available soon. Meanwhile, online registration can be found here.


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EC publishes its plans regarding connected and automated mobility

The recently launched Third Mobility Package of the European Commssion includes a communication on connected on automated mobility.


The communication sets out the EC’s agenda for connected and automated mobility, which is essentially about building an apt legal framework with due regard for ethics and society and providing financial support to move this agenda forward. While it acknowledges the importance of automation to address safety and to keep the EU’s automotive industry competitive, it stresses the need for automated vehicles to deliver new, cost-effective services that are integrated into the transport system and support social inclusion. The communication is very relevant to the MAVEN project as it covers many integration issues such as the link between automated vehicles and traffic management and infrastructure and it asserts the need for connectivity, including C-ITS, to enable automation.

The communication proposes many actions to be taken including:

  • Regulation of platooning under the revision of the General Safety Regulation for motor vehicles
  • Regulation related to safe and trusted communications between vehicles and the infrastructure, which complies with the General Data Protection Regulation
  • Consider the need for specifications, under the ITS Directive, for access to in-vehicle data by public authorities to support the traffic management task.
  • Intensifying coordination with Member States on traffic rules to ensure they are fit for automated vehicles
  • The development of guidelines to ensure a harmonised approach for national ad-hoc vehicle safety assessments of automated vehicles
  • Kicking off a process of building a new approach for vehicle safety certification for automated vehicles
  • Regulation of data recorders for automated vehicles to clarify who was ‘driving’ in case of an incident


For further information, download the 2-page summary here or the full communication here.

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MAVEN Workshop at the 4th IEEE SCSP 2018 in Prague

The MAVEN workshop on “Autonomous vehicles for smart cities” was held on 25th  May 2017 at the fourth IEEE (the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Smart Cities Symposium Prague (SCSP 2018), organized by the Faculty of Transportation Sciences of the Czech Technical University (CTU).

SCSP 2018 is an international scientific conference with over 180 participants from 15 countries. The symposium received auspices form the City of Prague. JUDr. Martina Děvěrová, Chief Executive of the City of Prague, along with the Dean of the Faculty of Transportation Sciences, Doc. Ing. Pavel Hrubeš, Ph.D., opened the symposium. The main objectives of the MAVEN workshop are:

  • Present the state of the art in autonomous driving;
  • Introduce another dimension of autonomous driving: view of city transport managers;
  • Provide discussion on the topic of autonomous vehicles;
  • Discussion of expected impact of autonomous driving (Expectation on impact / How to measure impact / Next steps / Future trends / and others).

The workshop was moderated by CTU (prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D. and doc. Ing. Zdeněk Lokaj, Ph.D.). Dynniq (Robbin Blokpoel, Ph.D.) in its presentation set the base for autonomous driving discussion and presented the developments in the EU projects MAVEN and TransAID. The workshop was supported by interactive online questionnaire Mentimeter. The audience of over 50 participants was asked 17 questions. The answers were discussed with valuable input from the audience making the discussion an important part of the workshop. Participants could follow the results live, such as in the figure below:

The MAVEN workshop was highly appreciated by the participants of SCSP 2018 and received a very positive feedback. The results of the questionnaire will be processed and analyzed as part of the MAVEN deliverables.

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Milestones for V2X communications reached and presented at ETSI ITS workshop

MAVEN has developed V2X communication schemes and message sets for infrastructure-assisted automated driving. For the cooperative infrastructure, an I2V Lane Change Advisory service and a dedicated profiling of the SPaT (Signal Phase and Time) and MAP (topology) for lane-specific GLOSA were developed. For the cooperative automated vehicles, extensions of standard CAM (Cooperative Awareness Message) messages have been designed to allow interaction with cooperative intersections and to support management and control of platoons. Finally, the currently under standardization Collective Perception service has been adapted to the needs of MAVEN to support the applications of cooperative and automated vehicles aimed at increasing the safety of VRUs (Vulnerable Road Users) and vehicle drivers. The developed schemes are backward compatible as required by the car industry and to foster their future deployment. They are provided in terms of ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One) definitions and detailed message data specifications that can be openly accessed. The aforementioned communication schemes have been tested in small test benches aimed at evaluating the technical functionality of the developed solutions from a communication point of view, and hence their suitability for integration in infrastructure and vehicle prototypes. MAVEN has actively contributed to the European ETSI standardisation in this area, especially for the collective perception definitions. All the aforementioned communications schemes were presented at the 2018 ETSI ITS Workshop:

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Vehicle milestones for communication and platooning reached

MAVEN has completed vehicle automation developments, which allow the reception of Signal Phase and Timing (SPaT) messages from the infrastructure. The vehicle automation takes the desired speed sent by the Road Side Unit (RSU) for the upcoming traffic light into account when planning the correct behavior. As the MAVEN vehicle is longitudinally and laterally automated at the end, the vehicle reaches the green light fluently or comes to a smooth stop when passing at green is not possible.

For platooning a set of four state machineshas been developed. These state machines have been implemented in the vehicle automation to proof if the MAVEN urban platooning concept is working as desired. The image shows the state machines and the related behavior of an automated vehicle when reaching another automated vehicle able to form a platoon on the road. The working principle is illustrated in the figure below:

While driving, the cooperative ego vehicle on the left receives information about a cooperative vehicle in front which is also able to form a platoon (1).  This information includes position, velocity, acceleration and also planned behavior on the upcoming intersection (turning/going straight). After processing this data in the platooning logic, the ego vehicle decides to form a platoon (2). Now it communicates this to the vehicle ahead, which receives this information, accepts and provides detailed trajectory information to the follower. Hence, the ego vehicle adapts its velocity in order to close the gap (3). When the gap is closed, the initialization is done and the vehicles follow each other in a platoon (4). The following vehicle is always in charge of choosing an appropriate distance. If the follower does not trust the leader, or recognizes any other thread, it can immediately stop platooning.

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Infrastructure simulation video released

As the MAVEN project is reaching the halfway point, intermediate results are becoming available. The workpackage dealing with innovations on the infrastructure side has prepared a video to explain the main concepts to the general public. An additional video was prepared for the expert audience showing actual footage from the system coupled to the traffic simulator SUMO:

Further details can also be found in Deliverable 4.1 with detailed descriptions of the infrastructure systems related to queue modelling, actuated control with green light optimal speed advisory and plan stabilization for adaptive control. This document can be dowloaded here.

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MAVEN considered in the C2CC forum

On 28-29t of November 2017, the Car-to-Car Consortium (C2CC) forum took place in Braunschweig, Germany. At this event with approximately 250 visitors, the project coordinator, Robbin Blokpoel (Dynniq), held a presentation during one of the plenary sessions. The presentation was well received by an interested audience. The MAVEN project has also made a second appearance during the presentation of the C2CC roadmap, where the project is considered for input to day 3 and 4 services. The event strengthens the bond between MAVEN and the C2CC, which is vital for the projects’ efforts to contribute to standardization of message sets for automated driving. You can download the presentation here.

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MAVEN-TransAID-CoEXist workshop for city and regional authorities

MAVEN teamed up with the TransAID and CoEXist projects for a workshop aimed at gathering input from local authorities on various items of work underway within each of the projects. Some 50 people attended this workshop, including nearly one half from city or regional government and the public transport sector. The plenary session in the morning saw brief presentations about each of the projects and about the AV activities of Gothenburg and Greenwich as well as wider inputs from the vehicle automation expert Bart van Arem and Polis. After lunch, the audience split into project-respective groups.

The purpose of the MAVEN session was to gather feedback on the structure of the MAVEN transition roadmap, which is intended to assist cities in determining their role and responsibilities in automated driving, giving special attention to the role of traffic management and its level of guidance at various phases of the transition. Discussions were quite far ranging, from the role of AVs in cities and questions about why cities should be facilitating their introduction to the more specific topic of data management and the possibilities for direct vehicle-infrastructure interaction enabling automated vehicles to be controlled in a more dynamic manner.

Specific questions and comments made include the following:

  • Who is responsible for the vehicle-generated and who has overall ownership of data?
  • Will the traffic management be capable of dealing with the large amounts of data generated by tomorrow’s vehicle?
  • What is the procedure in case of system failure?
  • How does an AV interact with a traffic management centre?
  • Do we need to adapt the infrastructure to AV or should it be the other way around?
  • Public acceptance: is there enough trust in technology?
  • How will liability be addressed in a future of CAVs?
  • How to make systems sufficiently robust to prevent hacking?
  • MAVEN should also look at use cases where people want to get out of an AV, eg, parking
  • How scalable is the MAVEN approach?
  • The project’s roadmap should limit itself to traffic management only and go deeper in one topic
  • Clarify the ICT infrastructure requirements: on the roads and under ground (eg, 5G network)

A full workshop note and all presentations can be downloaded from the following webpage.

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Helmond pilot

The pilot site in Helmond offers a state of the art infrastructure with all major intersections equipped with cooperative roadside units. Furthermore, the adaptive control algorithm ImFlow traffic control provides the opportunity to implement many different policies. 
Hyundai vehicle facts:
· Based on a series production Hyundai Ioniq (Hybrid)
· Front Sensing: Mono-Camera, Long-Range-Radar, LiDAR
· Side Sensing: 360° Radar (Short-Range-Radar System), Ultrasonic Sensors
· Trunk installed CarPCs used for sensor data fusion, path-planning, vehicle control and V2X

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Braunschweig pilot

This pilot site offers the latest with respect to infrastructure detection as part of the Application Platform for Intelligent Mobility (AIM) test site. Stereo video detection combined with radar and hemispherical dome camera’s enable the infrastructure to enhance the safety of automated driving.

The demo site Tostmannplatz in Braunschweig has four approaches which are controlled by traffic lights. There are two lanes per direction on the main road and additional lanes for left-turning. The so far applied signal control uses a number of induction loops for vehicle-actuated green time adjustment, based on time gaps. A bus line passes through the intersection without preemption.

Since the existing induction loops did not cover all requirements in other recent research projects, additional detectors were applied. Magnetic field sensors were used for installation in the roadway surface. They have the advantage that a cabling over long distances could be avoided, because their information transmission to the signal controller is wireless. In some approaching lanes additional sensors were installed in order to better handle effects such as e.g. cutting the curve when turning.

In addition to the magnetic field sensors, the demo site is equipped with a roadside unit (RSU). The RSU contains a V2X unit, which enables direct communication with equipped vehicles. Since the Tostmannplatz is an intersection within the AIM network (Application Platform Intelligent Mobility), the RSU is basic technical equipment.

Furthermore, the demo site is equipped with an additional mini PC. On this PC the traffic simulation SUMO is used to transform the point-based vehicle detections from the in-road sensors into continuous measurements of vehicle positions and speeds by modelling the state of traffic around the intersection. This is applied to compensate for the insufficient V2X equipment rates. The mini PC is connected with the signal controller and can be used to adapt the traffic signal timing.

The demo site Tostmannplatz in Braunschweig will be used for most of the MAVEN use cases, including urban platooning, cooperative sensing and speed and lane change advisory.

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Prague, Braunschweig and Helmond simulations

Simulations are essential for impact assessment of scaling up the MAVEN solutions. Therefore, in addition to simulations of the pilot sites, there are dedicated simulation networks of Prague, Helmond and Braunschweig. Each network has their own specific challenge and thus provides a good environment to evaluate MAVEN use cases such as platoon orchestration (e.g. initialisation, lane change and termination), Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory (GLOSA), enhanced queue modelling and green wave with platoon priority.

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Automation capable Local Dynamic Map (LDM) released

The MAVEN project has achieved its first milestone in development of the next generation Intelligent Transport Systems. Automation features have been added to the infrastructure Local Dynamic Map (LDM). This will facilitate more information sharing between the roadside and vehicles, enabling new use cases related to traffic safety and efficiency. The vehicles will share intended turn direction, automation sensor data and their platooning and speed preferences. The infrastructure will use this information to optimize traffic control plans further and send enhanced Green Light Optimal Speed Advice. For safety use cases the sensor sharing increases the possibilities to give early warnings and lowers the chance of missing critical situations.

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MAVEN Special Session at IEEE SCSP 2017 in Prague, Czech Republic

A MAVEN Special Session on “Autonomous vehicles for smart cities” was held on 26 May 2017 at the third IEEE (the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Smart Cities Symposium Prague (SCSP 2017), organised by the Czech Technical University (CTU). SCSP 2017 is an international scientific conference with over 150 participants from 13 countries. The symposium received auspices from the President of the Czech Republic, Mr. Miloš Zeman and the City of Prague. The director of the City of Prague JUDr. Martina Deverová along with the CTU rector Prof. Petr Konvalinka opened the symposium. The main objectives of the MAVEN Special Session are:
– Introduction of the EU-funded project MAVEN
– Addressing some technical issues in the field of connected, cooperative and auto-mated transport, as well as non-technical aspect of automated driving
– Discussions of expected impacts of connected, cooperative and automated transport, e.g. potential impacts, evaluation and assessment approaches, next steps, main trends
The MAVEN Special Session was highly appreciated by the participants of SCSP 2017, and received very positive feedback.

All the presentations are available below.


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First stakeholder consultation with cities in Barcelona

MAVEN (Managing Automated Vehicles Enhances Network) organised its first stakeholder consultation meeting with local authorities and urban road stakeholders in Barcelona on 15 November 2016.

The meeting was attended by nearly 35 participants, of which some two-thirds were representing local government. Local authorities and other urban road stakeholders were invited to share their views on the role and impact of increasingly automated vehicles on urban roads and traffic management.

The aim of this first MAVEN stakeholder consultation workshop was to discuss and review the preliminary MAVEN system concept, use case descriptions, and assessment and demonstration plan. The workshop addressed the role and responsibilities of cities and traffic management in the context of highly automated driving, including political, institutional and organisational aspects as well as the broader perspective of passenger transport in smart/future cities.

The meeting was opened by Suzanne Hoadley from Polis who gave a brief introduction on Polis position on automation enumerating a number of open questions which were also tackled during the workshop.

Jaap Vreeswijk from MAPtm described the most recent developments in automated driving, followed by an introduction to MAVEN by the project coordinator Robbin Blokpoel, Dynniq.

Two speakers Phil Williams, Digital Greenwich, and Gert Blom, city of Helmond, shared with the audience their views about automation from a city authority perspective.

Ondrej Priby from Czech Technical University, introduced MAVEN use cases & high level requirements. His presentation was followed by a discussion with all participants and project partners.

The workshop offered several opportunities for interactive discussion on views, ideas and concerns of automated driving in relation to four main aspects: the societal objectives of a city authority; the traffic manager’s role and responsibilities; impact assessment; and the transition phase. Feedback was gathered through an online real-time voting tool which proved effective to engage the audience and trigger discussion.

To view the workshop note, click here.

The agenda is available here, all the presentations are available below.

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MAVEN Kick-off meeting in Brussels

The MAVEN project held its kick-off meeting on 20-21 September 2016 in Brussels.

MAVEN (Managing Automated Vehicles Enhances Network) was launched on 01-09-2016. This 3-year project, under the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Framework Programme of the Euro-pean Commission (Grant Agreement No. 690727), has nine partners with a total budget of EUR 3,149,661.25.


The project aims to provide solutions for managing automated vehicles in an urban environment (with signalized intersections and mixed traffic). It will develop algorithms for organising the flow of infrastructure-assisted automated vehicles, and structuring the negotiation processes between ve-hicles and the infrastructure. Platooning is an evident example of a technology in this domain. The MAVEN approach will substantially contribute to increasing traffic efficiency, improving utilisation of infrastructure capacity, and reducing emission. The MAVEN project will build a prototype sys-tem that will be used both for field tests and for extensive modelling for impact assessment. Fur-thermore, the project will contribute to the development of enabling technologies, such as telecom-munication standards and high-precision maps.

The project will include a user assessment effort. A roadmap for the introduction of road transport automation will be developed, to support road authorities in understanding potential future changes in their role and in the tasks of traffic management. A white paper on “management of automated vehicles in a smart city environment” will position the MAVEN results in the broader perspective of transport in smart cities, and embed these with the principles and technologies for smart cities, as well as service delivery. The project held its kick-off meeting on 20-21 September 2016 at Polis in Brussels and hosts a stakeholder consultation workshop at the 15th of November in Barcelona. More information about the workshop and the registration form can be found here.

